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About Us - Southdale

photo of Alexandra Lacy

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!

Our mission at Kettering City Schools is to guarantee a superior educational experience for all students by providing a positive and innovative learning environment, while responsibly utilizing our resources. 

As Southdale’s principal, I want to let you know how excited I am for our partnership in supporting your students. My goal is that together, we help them to grow as a learner and as a whole person. Our staff works hard to create a safe, positive environment where we model and teach our students to be respectful, responsible, safe, and kind. Together, we are creating lifelong learners by creating opportunities for students to feel successful while being engaged, collaborating, communicating, and problem-solving as critical thinkers. I encourage students to always focus on growth, and being the reason someone smiles today.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out during the year, you can reach me at 937-499-1890 or at


Mrs. Alexandra Lacy
Southdale Elementary, Principal

School News & Announcements:

Our School Day:

6:30 a.m. Morning Childcare
7:55 a.m. Students enter the building and eat breakfast in cafe or head to class.
8:15 a.m. Tardy bell sounds as well as the Pledge and morning announcements
2:25 p.m. Dismissal begins

* * * * *

Southdale Elementary School
1200 W. Dorothy Lane
Kettering, OH 45409

Principal -- Alexandra Lacy
Secretary -- Kaylee Larson
Secretary -- Alondra Mejia

Important Numbers

Important Numbers

Main Office
 (937) 499-1890

(937) 499-1909

Cafeteria Manager
 (937) 499-1897

(937) 260-9134

Guidance Counselor
(937) 499-1894

School Nurse
(937) 499-1890

Office Hours – 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

School Day -- 8:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.